
Norm Tooling is committed to delivering production and services that meet the highest quality standards in the industry, with customer and all interested parties’ satisfaction as our top priority.

We adhere to the following principles to continuously development, ensure and increase the customer and all interested parties’ satisfaction and perfect our Quality Management System:

  • Quality Management System:Ensuring effective understanding, implementation, and maintenance of the Quality Management System at all levels of our organization is fundamental to achieving our quality goals. In this context, we regularly evaluate the performance and effectiveness of our system.
  • Risk Management and Zero Defects Philosophy: In line with a risk-based approach and the zero defects philosophy, we take necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of errors and avoid the recurrence of existing ones, continuously improving our processes.
  • Customer Requirements: We are committed to providing high-quality and accurate services by fully meeting all applicable conditions in accordance with our customers' specific requests. We take all necessary steps to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction in the line with our vision as being a solution partner of our stakeholders
  • Flexibility and Agility: We take actions to continuously improve our structure in order to take prompt actions in line with global, sectoral changes as well as our customers' demands.
  • Employee Participation: As a company that learns, grows and develops together with its employees and aims to be a global leader; we are constantly developing our motivating, sharing and educative management model, where our employees at all levels can contribute to improving our strategies and operations.
  • Technology and Training: We closely monitor technological innovations and provide continuous training to our employees to keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date, ensuring adaptation to new technologies.
  • Supplier Collaboration: To enhance customer satisfaction and elevate quality standards, we collaborate with suppliers who share our vision of continuous development and quality focus, conducting joint quality improvement activities with them.
  • Integrated Management System: Considering climate change, sustainability, and energy efficiency, we integrate environmentally friendly practices and occupational health and safety standards as an integral part of our Quality Management System. (Refer to: Integrated Management System Policy)
  • Information Security: o ensure information security, we implement measures to protect data confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility, manage information security risks, and consider these elements as an integrated component of our Quality Management System. (Refer to: Information Security Policy)
  • Ethics and Social Responsibility: In our business processes, we adhere to high ethical standards and social responsibility principles, fulfilling our societal responsibilities and demonstrating a fair, transparent, and responsible business approach. (Refer to: Code of Ethics)

This Quality Policy will be meticulously applied across all our business processes to ensure compliance with high-quality standards in the automotive and aerospace sector to encourage continuous improvement.